The role of the learning partner
The ‘Learning Partner’ (teaching assistant/teacher/trainee teacher) is pivotal in ensuring that children taking part in Maths Counts are challenged and supported. The content and design of the supporting digital tool has been developed to provide tailored support to aid and enhance the Learning Partner’s role. Through a huge range of downloadable resources the Learning Partner will be supported to deliver bespoke tuition to each child in a fun and creative way. The children involved in Maths Counts will find their learning journey fun and exciting as they engage with an appealing digital interface that tracks their progress and rewards successes.
Learning Partners will complete training prior to working with pupils, where they will learn to use the digital tool and deliver the programme in the most effective manner.
Supporting Documents
We have a range of resources to support Learning Partners with the Maths Counts programme, accessible via the password they will have been issued in the training period. If you don’t have your password, please email us and we will send this you once we have verified that you are part of the Maths Counts programme.

Downloadable Resources
“If xxx has a Maths Counts lesson before his maths lesson in class it really helps. It is almost like he’s had a warm up!” Class Teacher
“Another TA walked past and saw xxx looking so very proud during her Maths Counts lesson.” Learning Partner