What is Maths Counts?
Maths Counts is a programme that supports learners in developing early mathematical skills. It is taught at our school by trained Learning Partners working under the guidance of a specialist maths lead teacher.
If your child is currently working below nationally expected levels in maths, they may be selected to work on the programme. They will receive one-to-one support from their Learning Partner at least three times each week, sometimes as part of class maths lessons and sometimes in addition to them.
Maths Counts will focus on mathematical skills, but will also help your child to develop confidence and ways of learning that will help them across the curriculum. Individual strengths and needs are clearly identified at the very start of the programme and straight away your child will be helped to “see” what they can “already do” and recognise and celebrate the progress they are making.
What is my role as a parent or carer?
As adults, our own attitude towards maths has a big influence on our children’s attitude. We know some aspects of maths can be “tricky” at different times in our lives but we want children to have a positive attitude that will help them “have a go”, to accept that we sometimes make mistakes but to “try again.”
You will be given opportunities (and guidance) to support your child with short Maths Counts activities, through our online tool. Please do your best to encourage your child with these tasks – your interest and involvement can make a big difference to the progress your child makes.
What happens at the end of the Maths Counts programme?
After around 3 months (or 30+ lessons), the school maths leader will meet with your child and the Learning Partner to assess and measure progress. Your child may then leave the programme or, if appropriate, may begin another cycle. Either way all learners’ progress is carefully monitored. Please ask your child’s class teacher if you have any questions at all, would simply like to know how it is going or would like to give us feedback on anything you have noticed about maths with your child at home.
What the learners say about Maths Counts...
“I like using things to help me learn about maths. It’s alright if I get it wrong sometimes. I especially like the games that start each lesson. At first they were hard, but now they make me think and now I can do it … I can even win!!” (Year 5 learner)
“I like it when I can say things I need help with, and when I remember that I can do lots of maths already!” (Year 4 learner)

Parents' Maths Counts User Guide
What are the lessons like?
The lessons are different for every learner. The maths lead teacher will begin by finding out what your child can already do. Your child’s next steps will then be identified on a Learning Plan and appropriate activities planned. Lessons can now begin.
One cycle of the Maths Counts programme usually lasts for around 3 months. Lessons are fun, practical and designed to build your child’s confidence both in number but also in what they “can do”.